Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mailbox Names And Aliases

There are three important ideas hidden simplistic description of mail delivery. First, user specify recipients by giving pairs of strings that identify the mail destination machine name and a mailbox address on that machine. Second, the names used in such specifications are independent of other names assigned to machines. Usually, a mailbox address is the same as a user's login id, and a destination machine name is the same as a machine's domain name, but that is not necessary. It is possible to assign a mailbox to a position of employment (e.g. the mailbox identifier department-head can refer to whoever currently chairs the department). Also, because the domain name system includes a separate query type for mail destination, it is possible to decouple mail destination names from the usual domain names assigned than a telnet connection to the same machine name. Third, our simplisitic diagram fails to account for mail processing and mail fowarding, which include mail sent from one user to another on the same machine, and mail that arrives on a machine but which should be forwarded to another machine.

Sponsor of this article are the vendor of free mail below (just kidding) ;)
  1. Hotmail (old one)
  2. mailcity (same as above)
  3. bigfoot (the greates)
  4. yahoo mail (the popular and new upgrade)
  5. google mail (the new one and the biggest)
  6. plasa com (my local free mail)

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