Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Foto-foto Temu Darat FKTO di RM " SM " Njakarta

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hasil Browsing Bulan Desember

Browsing memang sangat menarik buat yang suka internet, iseng-iseng browsing eeeee kemarin browsing lewat Mbah Google ada yang menarik ketika saya ketik keyword : teryata nama tercantun pada sebuah situs berita, dan setelah links diklik oooooooops..........

Ternyata sebuah foto nampang di situs yang dipublikasikan pada tanggl 03 Desember 2008. Jadi foto yang ada disitus Giritontro muncul di situs Warta Ekonomi .

Berikut previwnya :

Rasanya seneng banget....heeeee meskipun cuma fotonya dipakai...lumayan...terima kasih buat yang nulis di Warta Ekonomi, Anda penasaran silahkan klik links berikut Warta Ekonomi .

Template Blogger

Hari ini tampilan situs Giritontro saya rubah templatenya, itupun memakan waktu yang cukup lama , soalnya saya pengin template yang menarik dan beda dengan yang lainnya.

Setelah browsing lewat mbah Google akhirnya dapat template yang sangat menarik yaitu di, banyak pilihan template untuk blogger. Anda bisa memilih lebih dari ratusan template.
Banyaknya pilihan template yang ada memang sangat membingungkan, jadi anda bisa pilih yang sesuai dengan situs anda...selamat mencoba.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Zennioptical Is Your Prescription Glasses

ZenniOptical was on FOX news is great show for you to find the details of buying online glasses resources with online service, there is an option for stylish prescription glasses by online, they have interesting offers for your requirements. Explore they online store, select glasses or sunglasses with stylish for your own style, here you will find several kind of glasses and remember the Incredible Stylish New Frames From Zenni.

The is not just sells glasses start with Low Prices, you can find Great Eyeglasses For Less my be can get with lower price. More detaiks of Variable Dimension Frames From Zenni please visit their site to explore all products. Everybody can buy their own glasses by online, see ZenniOptical was on FOX news by video with the details ! for your reference.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Xbox 360 Accessories

For all of you video game player under Xbox 360, please be sure you have Xbox 360 Accessories in your game packet to make your game player more simple.

Right now there are not just major gaming consoles on the market for you to choose from the Nintendo Wii, the Playstation 3, and the Xbox 360. you are possible to choose Xbox 360 Wireless Controller. In fact I have tested and here written about the Xbox 360 A Accessories review.

Some of the sample of Xbox 360 Accessories are Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, Universal Media Remote, Headset etc. Choose by your own style to get your personality game player. Never forget to buy your Xbox 360 Accessories only at the online shop with the better resources. Be happy your leisure time with the best game player.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Selamat Datang Pemudik Di Giritontro

Seperti biasa tahun ini lebaran mudik ke Giritontro setelah 4 tahun tidak mudik maklum kerja pabrik.

Buat teman-teman, saudara-saudari, bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu, yang mudik ke Giritontro kami ucapakan selamat datang di Kecamatan Giritontro yang masih seperti tahun lalu.

Bagi anda yang ingin memerika email, browsing silahkan datang ke kantor kecamatan Giritontro karena ada fasilitas Internet Free Hotspot tentu saja harus membawa Laptop atau PDA.

Dan bagi anda yang ingin bermain di sekretariat silahkan datang di jalan raya giritontro untuk cek email dan browsing, tentu saja Mboten Mbayar alias GRATIS.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Small Business Loans

If you want to start your small business in your financial trouble, it's don't worry, you can visit the best solution and advice for your busines at business loans. In they website everyone can get some financial assistance in from they form of small business loans when everyopne want to start new businesses. So you can get some strategic planning for youel small business loans.

Selamat Datang Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1429 H

Selamat Datang Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1429 H, Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan.

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu, agar kamu bertaqwa (QS. Al Baqarah: 183

Hari ini Minggu 31 Agustus 2008 , dimulainya Tarawih bersama , Alhamdulilah telah datang hari yang Suci dan Pengampunan.

Puasa tidak hanya menyehatkan tubuh, tidak sekadar menahan lapar dari pagi hingga petang. Namun, puasa juga merupakan momen untuk membasuh jiwa dengan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah azza wa jalla, meraih mahabah-Nya.

Rasulullah bersabda, ”Barang siapa berpuasa Ramadhan dengan keimanan dan mengharap pahala (keridhaan) Allah, maka diampuni dosa-dosanya yang terdahulu.” (HR Al-Bukhari).

Dalam hadis lain disebutkan, ”Bau mulut seorang yang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah pada hari kiamat dari harumnya misik (minyak wangi yang paling harum di dunia) (HR Al-Bukhari).

Berikut Doa Niat Berpuasa :
nawaitu shauma godhin 'an adaai fardli syahri ramadlaani haadzihis sanati lillahi ta'aalaa

Doa Berbuka Puasa :
allahumma laka shumtu wa bika amantu wa 'alaa rizqika afthartu birahmatika ya arhamarrohimin

Kami mengucapkan Selamat Menunaiakan Ibahah Puasa 1429 H

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket

The larges DirecTV come in the world, everyone can find from the internet they details of information about Satellite TV. Now, please welcome it offers television services in High Definition HD TV Direct TV services at with very cheap rates and also have very good offers.

What's the big surprise from the yes you can from there Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket Package, By NFL Sunday Ticket you can play game sports package with designed special to give you access to every NFL game, week in and week out. Generally, there are four or five games available via network NFL TV.

NFL TV Package from DirectTV NFL Sunday Ticket is the best way to follow your favorite NFL team and obtain up to fourteen games every Sunday. They infrastructure are performed by specialists, so that you don‘t worry about game online. Now you can make your dreams come true! Thanks to Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket from Direct TV.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Zennioptical is one of the biggest glasses resources with online service, there is an option for stylish prescription glasses by online, they have interesting offers for your requirements. Explore they online store, select glasses or sunglasses with stylish for your own style, here you will find several kind of glasses and remember the Incredible Stylish New Frames From Zenni.

The is not just sells glasses start with Low Prices, Zenni Optical $ 8 Rx Eyeglasses is one of the sample of lower price. Everybody can buy their own glasses by online, see ZenniOptical was on FOX news ! for your reference.

Talk about glasses? ZenniOptical for Your best reference.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Recruitment Agency

It's a great implementation of recruitment agency concept with new approach to job hunting base in UK. Some of the vacancy divisions and regions are :


Call Centre Job Vacancy
Office Jobs
Accountancy job uk
Jobs in Hospitality
Solicitor Jobs
Engineering Jobs
Job in Insurance
Sales Jobs
Pharmaceutical jobs
Construction Jobs
Hr Jobs


Jobs in Birmingham
Jobs In Edinburgh
Jobs in Glasgow
Jobs in Crawley
Jobs in Leeds
Jobs In Leicester
Jobs In Manchester

Don't be confuse to find a new job, see all the link above are great place to start looking of your job!. You can search by the Devisions as a sample for nurse better find the details information of Jobs in Hospitality and if you are from Birmingham better star find the job by Regions as Jobs in Birmingham. You can start with the smart action to getting your job by adding your CV in there and you will get the news from

They also have professional staff over 500 specialist consultant and leading a total recruitment solutions companies, offering jobseekers access to thousands of opportunities in UK. Start now to get a complete listing of current campaigns to set your employment criteria and submit it to the search mail agent and they will deliver new posts to your inbox new job opportunities as they have.

They have already placing people across all industry sectors. In the details of site they provides information about job vacancy. Consult your own skill to their expert consultant related job vacancy. Good Luck.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Top Web Hosting Reviews By Web Hosting Geeks

The purpose of The Best Web Hosting Review is to provide of the information and knowledge to permit everybody can choose the best web hosting companies. Writing down a best web hosting review article is depend on so many factors as the different individual requirements and expectations of client hosting company. So the experience and professionalism of web hosting review should cover the basics of all businesses, support, price, and reputation etc. Here you can find all about web hosting reviews.

To choose the best web hosting service isn't easy. Sometime if you don't know about the web hosting and you will provide webhosting with the cheap web hosting can cost you more in time and headaches than spending a few extra bucks each month for a quality web host. However, there are some companies offering inexpensive web hosting that is indeed an excellent bargain. So the important one before you make the decisition to setup your web hosting at hosting service better you read many reference from the internet about the best web hosting from the best web hosting reviews.

The reference for your web hosting plan better are include the article about of Web Hosting Rating, Web Hosting Award, Web Hosting Review etc. Have a nice hosting. Web hosting rating is talk about the web hosting under their product and list by rating, sample Top 10 Web Hosting, Multiple Domain Hosting,Free Domain Names, Free Yahoo Marketing and Free Google AdWords, etc.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Webhosting Articles Resource For Reference Of Your Any Hosting Plan

Before make the decision to create or build website, portal or the others of hosting plan for your own business or for your client, you look the best reference to make your smart decision to get the maximum output of your effort.

The first, please make sure your goal orientation of your website or portal, that's like e-commerce, spesific web design or web for information about your business. Second, list your requirement of your web design, like the type of websiste (static without database or dynamic use the database, type OS (operating system) of hosting (Windows or Linux base), type of hosting (VPS or Co Locotion), type of your security of your web etc. If you have problem to explore your prepare of your hosting plan, better you look the article details of webhosting article to find the best reference and tutorial of your website.

The most important one of your website is about the security. In order to contain prevalent threats, a web hosting company must commit to sound security measures to ensure protection for their clients. Some sample of the important of the security web below required are:
  1. Make sure all of hardware physically is secure
  2. Make sure network services provided by the operating systems are secure
  3. Make sure files system is secure from unauthorized access
  4. Make sure password features are always enabled.
Make sure your webhosting is your tools to create your business can make benefit and value added under effort of your business build with the best resources and reference from the best webhosting articles and tutorial of hosting. Good Luck.

Mailbox Names And Aliases

There are three important ideas hidden simplistic description of mail delivery. First, user specify recipients by giving pairs of strings that identify the mail destination machine name and a mailbox address on that machine. Second, the names used in such specifications are independent of other names assigned to machines. Usually, a mailbox address is the same as a user's login id, and a destination machine name is the same as a machine's domain name, but that is not necessary. It is possible to assign a mailbox to a position of employment (e.g. the mailbox identifier department-head can refer to whoever currently chairs the department). Also, because the domain name system includes a separate query type for mail destination, it is possible to decouple mail destination names from the usual domain names assigned than a telnet connection to the same machine name. Third, our simplisitic diagram fails to account for mail processing and mail fowarding, which include mail sent from one user to another on the same machine, and mail that arrives on a machine but which should be forwarded to another machine.

Sponsor of this article are the vendor of free mail below (just kidding) ;)
  1. Hotmail (old one)
  2. mailcity (same as above)
  3. bigfoot (the greates)
  4. yahoo mail (the popular and new upgrade)
  5. google mail (the new one and the biggest)
  6. plasa com (my local free mail)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Women Clothing In Online Shopping Directory

Everyone knows buy something from the internet online shopping in shopwiki is easy way, simple and effective. You can do it from anywhere using the internet connection, you can do it from your office, on your traveling, or from your home. Other simplicity you can buy clothes for your self, for your family or for your special friend to make suprpise (find the detail of Her by silent and send something special to Her for surprise).

And special dedicated for women with high activity, hunting women clothing collections or the others reason here is the clothing for women online shopping with the various collection. Just visit online shopping you can select clothing for women by type of following the trends, designer fashions, shop by item, special sizes, find an outfit or create a wardrobe etc.

So, what your problem now to buy any clothing for women, it's a simple, just registering with easy step than you can searching and selecting as you want before you making decision to buy your favorit clothing.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Corporate Gifts For Your Customers

If you are a marketing manager from company with many customers you think how to manage and maintain your customers and build they are to be loyal. I think you already done to know about how to improve or maintain customers and prevent it from a hyper-competitive market to keep customers satisfied and build customers loyalty and make sure your client stays with you, because if you don't, somebody's going to know more about the changes than you do, and they're going to get your client. Ok don't be bored to maintain your customer you can use one of the technique to maintain customers the popular name is Corporate Gifts.

How to choose the best Corporate Gifts ? look their source of various Corporate Gifts, comprehensive gift services and solutions necessary for today's busy world and make sure that all in their online services. Try their catalog products and will be better their products included handcrafted, fruit baskets, balloon bouquets, professionally designed gift baskets, hand-delivered and floral designs etc. Also find their creative gift ideas for all occasions, every pocket book and price range or budget. It's will be important for your customers with their difference character.

Corporate gifts can be a wonderful addition to any business program, be a good corporate for your customer by corporate gift from the best seller of corporate gift and send to your customer to caring and appreciation to your customers. Choose Corporate Gifts from the online sistem to make your easy doing and being your programs success.

Build in your heart : "Our Customer Are Our Most Valuable Asset"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Layering Of Money Laundering

One of the model money laundering processes is layering. The layering activity is always doing or similiar like the finansial activity and various form of this activity are :

  • Transfer of funds between banks and / or jurisdictions.

  • Use of cash deposits as colleteral security in support of legitimate transactions.

  • Switching cash through a network of legitimate business and shell companies across several jurisdictions.

Cigars For Your Special Guest

If you are a bar manager in five stars hotel and thinking about your guest are have various background and you know many of they are need a cigars, so you must provide the best quality cigars for your prime guest. Some time you have a problem to predict the cigars of your guest want, please don't be bored to looking the best quality cigars around the world.

To cover the demand of cigars for your guest look and find the company with many source of the best cigars, select the company with the full of experience sale cigars and the famous smoke shop is better place for your. Because famous smoke shop, as usual, they have many resources of cigars and they are come from cigar advisor. Why the cigar advisor is important one? Yes, they are the community of cigars tested and their experience is guaranty of the quality cigars around the world.

The others reason about your selected famous smoke shop, they have not only the best quality cigars, they also provide a wide variety of cigars humidors, cigar cutters, and accessories for cigars, complete catalog of cigars, best price and good shiping etc is under your consideration. Have a nice hunting of cigars to make your customer comfortable. Remember, just grab your favorite cigars!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Video Game From Revolutionary And Excellent Option of ShopWiki Online Shoping

Now let's talk about a rest and happy time and you can do it that just from your home, hehe....

Ok, I just to inform that you that one of the best options to purchase the most modern equipment of the video game market appears to shopwiki shoping is super full, this is Revolutionary and excellent place where you can find everything that is kind of video game unit of the latest product in today market.

They are always have the latest releases in games all of last generation, you can also find in shopwiki all about of optional accessory of the best games today. So, you can choose which one that you think can give you more advantages and good in quality video games at ShopWiki.

Now then you already know is where to go when you want to buy the best in the world of games shopwiki is without doubt the best of all options to get the best in entertainment get the whole family and friends.

Student Loans For Next Student

All the students and their parents at anywhere think about how to find the university with the concentration of the increasing costs of higher education and how to get the result with the high quality studying and the rising rate of inflation and higher interest rates on student loans to pay. Even with federal student loans as the information from my uncle about Student Loans, this studying is very hard, but everyone can grow up by this studying with the reason at there are many students and graduates use personal financial assistance in terms of loans and other services to pay their professional education.

At there you can have Student Loan Consolidation with your monthly student loan payments and put loads of extra cash in your pocket with the Federal Student Loan Consolidation Program. Using this service you can cut your student loan payments in half, have fixed interest rate and bound all the loans in one monthly payment.

Believe me that all student loans, college loan consolidation, funding for graduate students, parents, high school students are covers all the bases of NextStudent. They also handle many student loans as private loans, custom consolidation loans, etc and if you're unsure what you need or how to go about getting it, you can just call of their team to talk it through with an expert or you can apply by online.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Detect The Activity Of Money Laundering

One of the activity of money laundering is a placement that's physical disposal of fund generated by illegal activities into the financial system. The various forms of this activity include some of the activity below :
  1. Placing cash on deposit in banks. This activity is sometimes followed by application of loans or financing.

  2. Deposit of money into a provider of financial services as loan repayments to obscure the audit trail.

  3. Cros-border smuggling of cash.

  4. Financing of a purportedly legitimate business or of business related to legitimate business through debt/financing, thus converting cash into debt/finance.

  5. Purchase of high value goods of personal use, purchase of expensive presents to reward other parties, with payment excuted a provider of financial services.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Protect Your Future

Life is full of defiance and risk inside, the real problem you can't predict with exactly of your life future. If today you can work hard with full power and strong it's not the guarantee your power in your life forever. Never to late to make the decision about your long life, you can manage your life today and tomorrow in under control by the best system life protection by life insurance to protect against the unforeseen.

For my suggestion of protection life programs now is simnple way with online sistem only by life insurance, please read with carefully of term life insurance before you make the decission make sure, you are in the best protection program. They have unique insurance online sistem that all offers consumer access to the entire life insurance rates database and custom quotes, include by anonymously without asking any personal data and then only if one wishes to proceed with a purchase.

It's surprise for you, they have life insurance quotes program just in under about 15 minutes you can get up to $150,000 without medical examination, no mail delays and no long forms to fill up. All you need to do is just answer a few health questions. There is affordable term life insurance with guaranteed rates. It doesn't get any easier or faster than this. It's only for you with smart choice.

Thursday, July 24, 2008 Full Support Your Exhibition

For the marketing activity of your business as exhibition, trade shows and trade fairs are very important events, manage your crucial events to be easy with the best marketing tools . To maximize the return on your marketing investment with a high impact trade show display with many custom options is the smart decision. Never think problem to find the exhibition tools to display your product to be attractif and make the exhibit or event place look presentable and look modern so that people will appreciate your exhibition and they come again for your next exhibition, it's a point of your business right?.

If you want to find trade show display with many custom options, is an online store that provides trade show displays, exhibits and tradeshow booths in one stop shop for factory priced. They offer a lot more items for trade shows for the purpose of helping your company lure customers right to your stalls. As the product their product pipe and drape, presentation tools, sign holders, lighting, truss, banner stands and others is small fraction their products. is the expert company with the full of experience. They has been helping thousands of customers each year with their event needs including many fortune 100 companies, Universities, Government agencies, branches of the military and more since 1999.

The Basic Of Money Laundering Processes

Despite the wide diversity of modus operandi employed in money laundering, money laundering processes can be grouped into three stages of activity as follows :
  1. Placement is physical disposal of fund generated by illegal activities into the financial system.

  2. Layering is the separating of criminal proceeds of crima from their source by creating complex layers of financial transaction designed to conceal or disguise the origin of the funds. This activity involves the process of transferring funds comprising the proceeds of placement from a number of account or specifics to other places through a complex series of transactions designed to conceal the source of the funds and provide anonymity.

  3. Integration is the use of apparently legitimate proceeds wheter for direct benefit, invesment in various forms of material and financial assets, use in financing of legitimate business activity, or for recyling into the financing of criminal activity.When engaging in money laundering, perpetrators are less concerned about the size of the proceeds to be recieved and of the amount of costs expended, given that the overriding objective is to conceal or eliminate traces of the origin of the money so that the ultimate proceeds can be safety enjoyed or used.

The three activities mau occur as separate or simultaneous phases, but coomonly overlap.

India'sleading Translation Agency

If you have a plan traveling to India it's a good idea, so many reason why people coming to India, there is you can find many culture seting around the India. Some time people have a problem with the local speaking part of india province but don't worry, because the language of local province or region of India is not protected language, everybode can learn about the local language of India.

The other reason if your company have join aliance or the other business with the India company's or other country and using they own language you need translation agency it's simple, just find from the internet online system. Looking for the biggest india's translation is not so difficult you can find by online at it's one of the best India language translator because it's a India'sleading translation agency is not for translation India, Punjabi translation, Hindi translation, Urdu translation, or Farsi translation you can also get arabic translation at there, so you can trust of them any time you want. Good luck.

Best Planter Collection From Planterixchange

If you have plan to find planters for your home, apparment, office building or others home design with planter of Indoor Planters, Outdoor Planters, Garden Planter, indow Box Planters, high End Planters, and Decorative Planters, never forget one place with the best planter collection.

Sure, only at palnterixchange you can get various choices of design, material, color, feature, shape and manufacturer at wide range of price planters. Don't take so long to order your own planter improvisation at planterixchange now and you will get your own planters just for 1 or 2 business days under their quick ship option selection.

Anytime you want is very easy to order by online system.
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Monday, July 21, 2008

The TCP/IP History

U.S government agencies have realized the importance and potential of internet technology for many years and have been funding research that has made possible a global internet. The ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
technology included a set of networl standards that specify the details of how computers communicate, as well as a set of conventions for interconnecting networks and routing traffic. Officially named the TCP/IP Internet Protocol Suite and commonly referred to as TCP/IP (after the names of its two main standards), is can be used to communicate across any set of interconnected network. For example, some corporations use TCP/IP to interconnect all network within their corporation, even thogh the corporation has no connection to outside networks. Other groups use TCP/IP for communication among geographically distant sites.

Although the TCP/IP technology is noteworthy bi itself, it is especially interesting because its viability has been demonstrated on a large scale. It forms the base technology for a global internet that connects homes, university campuses and others schools, corporations, and goverment labs in more 61 countreis. In the U.S. The National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Health and Human Services Agency (HHS) and the National Aeronatics and Space Administrations (NASA) have all participated in funding the Internet, and use TCP/IP Internet, the global Internet, or just the Internet, the resulting internet allows sesearchers at connected institutions to share information with colleagues around the world as easily as they share it with researchers in the next room. An outstanding success, the Internet demonstrates the viability of the TCP/IP technology and shows how it can accomodate a wide variety of undeliying network technologies.

Email Marketing Hosting Solutions By Fat Jack Hosting

If you have a plan to create email marketing currently, I think that's better communication solution for your business and this tool is the smart choice. Here is my suggestion, you can choose one of the best hosting is one of a kind hosting that specialized in email marketing hosting solutions, sure that is the

As the whole of services are include all the service of the internet communications solutions as web hosting (share hosting or VPS hosting included), colocation, dedicated servers and you also can buy domain here.

Now let's talk about email marketing hosting solutions of service, it's not just affordable price here is realy right place for you. They managed and watch your email deliverability, can help you protect your email and others. Here you can buy own domain names also for only $11.97 a year, choose plans and choose what domain name you may like and get low prices and very fast setup.

Get the best email marketing hosting solutions only at Good luck.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The TCP/IP Internet

Transmission (Transfer) Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a suite of protocols, tools, and services more correctly known as the Internet Protocol Suite. TCP/IP has become a term in in common use, rather than an abbrevation, and nowadays the full name is seldom used. It's the protocol of the internet and of large routed intranets, and TCP/IP implementations exist for all modern hardware.

To understand what TCP/IP is and why it has become the protocol of choice for so many network implementations, it's worhwhile to look at how it developed. The history of TCP/IP is closely linked with the development of the internet. Next article.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pokerstars by Online Poker

Sometime playing Poker making the nice experience for someone. No matter where you are, you can play poker any time and from anywhere. Just online from the internet and you can play Poker as you want to create your happy time.

The top and one of the best online Poker system in the world can be sign up at PokerStars Marketing Code for everyone, just a view minute by internet. During the signup process you will come to a screen like the one below asking for a PokerStars Marketing Code. You can start your session directly by your real Online Poker on this site. You can read available review pages before you place your choice. Remember is here after you enter your registration you will get big PokerStars Rakeback. All players with our registration will be able to get all facility please also receive our exclusive 150% deposit bonus again and again bonus for next step. If you use our promotional code with PokerStars Bonus Code you will receive a bonus.

This is highly recommended to playing your Online Poker and you can find information about everything PokerStars Marketing Code of "flopturnriver" here and optimize your online bonuses. Good luck!one large lump sum.

Definition Of Money Laundering

  1. Money Laundering is a process or act aimed at concealing or disguising the origins of proceeds of crime, which are then converted into assets apparently originating in legitimate activities. According to article 2 of Avt No. 15 of 2002, the underlying crimes in money laundering include corruption, bribery, smuggling of merchandise/human labor/immigrants, bangking crimes, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, trafficking in slaves/women/children/illegal weapons, kidnapping, terrorism, theft, embezzlement, and fraud.

  2. Money laundering has a serious impact on the stability of the financial system and of the economy as a whole. Money laundering may be a multidimensional, transactional crime frequently invloving huge sums of money.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Full Block Style

453 West Burn Street
College Avenue California

Ref : DX/SPH/42A

12th July, 2008

Mr. David Fivestars
Finance Manager
Free Hosting Company
31 Hamilton Street

Dear Mr. Fivestars

We have just received your two cheques for US $1.500 ,00 in payment of our invoices No. 51XH of 16 January and No. 17KC of 29 March. However, we notice that one of the cheque, amounting to US $750 was not signed.

We are returning the cheque No. SST 451120 for your signature.

Please return the chuque to us in enclosed envelope.

Your sincerely,

Eko Prasetyo
Finance Director.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bad Credit Repair In Smart Solution

Credit card is simple to use for buying any purpose, for internet online payment sistem or direct to many merchant at anywhere around the world. Sometime people doing under control for any transaction risk which will suck them in the next billing payment. From the experience of many people they have bad credit report and do not know how to do repairing it. The such condition possibly by lack of control to buy many thing without smart decision.

Sometime you have bad credit and don't know how to solve the problem or you want to re-establish credit or repair your credit, but you can't because you have no more credit ! Don't too be sad, currently many company which is focused to help people with such experience, especially serve people with bad credit report finding a good smart solution to make a credit repair. I suggest you for one of the best companies was which is offering many kinds of credit repair services. This credit repair is absolutely needed when you willing to apply any home loans, auto loans and other kinds of loans services. That's why many people really need their services. But how can you get their services? Don't worry that's really easy you can get it, you you just visit by online sistem and doing a simple step to do bad credit repair only at

Life is full defiance but life is beautiful, make it so easy

Mango or Ma Muang ?

The local name of mango in Thailand is Ma Muang.
One of the great fruits of Thailand with a special reputation all its own. There are many varietes which when ripe, can be halved and eaten with a spoon. Many feel the best way to enjoy mango is with sticky rice and coconut milk, a popular Thai dessert. Others prefer to eat half ripened mago, by dipping the crunchy slices in sugar. The juice from the mango is deliciously refreshing.

Season of manggo in Thailand became March to June.

Rarely does one find a country with so much variety of fruit as Thailand.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kitchen Appliances To Improve Your Kitchen Design

To improve your kitchen setting in big home or apartment is depend on several key factors and explore of Kitchen Appliances in smart decision it will be important when purchasing some of the Kitchen Appliances. Have the appliances with good performance and quality is the dream all of the people and also buying appliacanes is an enjoyable experience for everybody around the world.

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Weekend Rafting Sport In Bali

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Safety Of Air Passengers Is Very Important

Vice President of Indonesia called on airline companies to give top priority to the safety of passengers. Professionalism, therefore, are of key importance to pilots and maintenance personnel. Addressing a meeting of the Indonesian Pilots Association/Air Passengers Safety Conference at Hotel Mulia here Monday (7/7), Kalla said pilots are at the frontest and are therefore the most responsible irrespective of the age of the aircraft.

Sosialisasi kawasan Kars Gunung Sewu

Pemandangan alam di Wonogiri begitu indah. Daya tarik tempat pariwisata Kabupaten Wonogiri bukan saja Waduk Gajah Mungkur (WGM). Untuk menarik wisatawan menuju Wonogiri, telah dilakukan berbagai terobosan.

Salah satunya dengan membangun museum karst dunia di Gebangharjo Pracimantoro Wonogiri. Kawasan kars gunung sewu ini membentang antara pantai Parangtritis, di kabupaten Bantul hingga teluk Pacitan di kabupaten Pacitan.

Namun,secara administratif kawasan yang berada di kabupaten Wonogiri ini terletak di sebagian besar kecamatan Paranggupito, Giritontro, Pracimantoro, Giriwoyo dan kecamatan Eromoko.

Luas kawasan kars sekitar 18,6% dari luas wilayah kabupaten Wonogiri.Bentang alam karst di wilayah kabupaten Wonogiri disusun oleh aneka bangun asal-pelarutan yang melibatkan batu gamping.

Gejala pelarutan atau yang lebih dikenal dengan karstifikasi itu berkembang di permukaan(eksokarst) dan di bawah permukaan(endokarst).

Di kawasan karst dapat ditemukan adanya karren,bukit-bukit kerucut,sinusoida, pematang, pepino, doplina,uvala, polje, telaga,lembah kering sungai Bengawan Solo purba,ponora,gua dan lain sebagainya. Karren atau lapis bangun pelarutannya ada yang berongga,berlubang,beralur,bersaluran,dan sebagainya.

Sedangkan bukit-bukit terpisah berbangun kerucut atau mempunyai permukaan melengkung(sinuosida)yang letaknya saling berdekatan. Masing-masing indivisdu bukit diselangi oleh lekuk topografi atau dataran yang saling bersambungan.Proses karstifikasi selama ruang dan waktu geologi ,selanjutnya akan membentuk hamparan ribuan bukit kerucut(conical hills), yang menjadi ciri utama dari karst wilayah gunung sewu.

Pada hari selasa,17 Juni 2008, kemarin,saya dan tujuh teman saya mendapat suatu kehormatan untuk menjadi duta atau peserta sosialisasi kawasan Kars Gunung Sewu yang diselenggarakan di Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Wonogiri.

Kami didampingi oleh tiga orang guru.Peserta sosialisasi tersebut berjumlah 100 orang,yang 75% dalah siswa SMA se-Kabupaten Wonogiri dan sisanya adalah guru pendamping.

Kami mendapatkan berbagai macam fasilitas dari pemerintah Wonogiri. Di antaranya adalah blok not,hand out,topi,kaos,uang transport dan uang saku.Selain itu,kami juga mendapatkan fasilitas penginapan di asrama Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar tersebut.

Kami merasa senang dapat menikmatinya.Sosialisasi ini adalah bentuk kerja sama dari pemerintahan kabupaten
Wonogiri Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kehutanan dan Pertambangan dengan salah satu universitas swasta di Surakarta,yaitu Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta(UMS).

Tujuan diadakan acara ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan kawasan kars ini kepada siswa dan guru demi menambah wawasan ilmu pengetahuan bagi kami.

Kegiatan sosialisasi dibuka oleh Bupati Wonogiri yang berhalangan hadir dan akhirnya diwakilkan kepada staf pembantu kerjanya.Pemberian materi yang pertamaatau season pertama oleh Drs.H.Kuswaji D.Priyono,M.Si yang merupakan staf pengajar bidang Geomorfologi Fakultas geografi UMS.Beliau menjelaskadefinisi karst,museum karst,materi aneka potensi dari kawasan Kars Gunung Sewu di wilayah Wonogiri.

Istilah karst berasal dari kata kars dari negeri Slav yang berarti batuan. Selanjutnya karst digunakan sebagai istilah untuk kawasan batu gamping dan dolomite yang mempunyai bentang alam dengan ciri khas sebagai akibat proses pelarutan.

Selain itu,beliau juga menjelaskan berdasarkan analisa,baik menurut sistem 5W+1H maupun sistem SWOT.Berbagai macam gambar dan foto yang sangat indah dan menarik diperkenalkan kepada kami melalui layar LCD,antara lain singgasana yang ditemukan dalam gua,fenomena gua,air terjun bawah tanah,lembah Bengawan Solo Purba,telaga yang mulai mengering dan lain sebagainya.

Kami sangat takjub melihat hasil ciptaan dari Allah Swt. Bentuk lahan utama menurut genetik,yaitu bentuk lahan asal struktural,vulkanik, denudasional,fluvial,marin,solutional,eolian,dan organik. Bentuk lahan solutional atau topografi karst meliputi kubah karst,perbukitan karst,perbukitan sisa karst,uvala,ledok karst dan dolina.Dolina adalah lekuk topografi yang terrletak di antara bukit batu gamping,dengan bangunannya yang membundar atau lonjong.Lekuk dolina umumnya tertutup dan mempunyai garis tengah mulai beberapa meter hingga lebih ddari 30 meter.Setempat lekuk tertutup itu dibatasi oleh dinding batu gamping yang terjal,setinggi belasan meter.

Sampai sekarang ada sekitar 15 peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait pengembangan kawasan karst,mulai UU No.11/1967 tentang ketentuan-ketentuan yang pokok pertambangan hingga keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber daya Mineral No.1456/2000 tentang pedoman tata cara klarifikasi kawasan karst.

Namun,yang menjadi pertanyaan mengapa pada kenyataannya kerusakan kawasan karst di Indonesia kini semakin meluas.Faktor apakah yang mempengaruhinya? Pada forum tanya jawab dan cukup banyak pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh kalangan guru dan hanya ada beberapa siswa yang bertanya.Acara ini cukup menarik. Season kedua disampaikan oleh bapak Suharjo yang juga merupakan dosen fakultas geografi UMS.Beliau menjelaskan mengenai geomorfologi kawasan Kars Wonogiri dengan menampilkan gambar pegunungan kapur. Selain itu,beliau juga menjelaskan proses geomorfologi, bentuk lahan daerah Wonogiri,alat untuk kajian geomorfologi,syarat terbentuknya kars,dan potensi sumber daya alam.Bentuk lahan daerah Wonogiri secara umum merupakan bentukan struktural daerah plateau.

Pada bagian utara merupakan perbukitan baturagung dan di bagian selatan,bentuk lahan topografi karst.Pada forum ini juga diadakan tanya jawab yang cukup menarik.Acara ini berlangsung pukul 13.00-14.30 WIB.Setelah acara itu adalah ISHOMA.Season ketiga disampaikan oleh anggota KMPA Giri Bahama dari fakultas Geografi,UMS.Mereka menjelaskan alat-alat yang diperlukan dalam penelusuran gua atau caving dan panjat tebing.Selain itu,mereka memutarkan film dokumenter mengenai penelusuran gua dan pencarian sumber air bawah tanah di kawasan kars tersebut.Ada perasaan takjub,heran,sekaligus ngeri,melihat perjuangan para mahasiswa tersebut ketika memasuki luweng yang kedalamannya lebih dari 100 meter.

Dengan resiko yang sangat tinggi,mereka masih tetap tegar melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut demi mendapatkan air dengan jiwa pengabdian yang sangat tinggi,jiwa nasionalisme yang sangat hebat mencarikan sumber air untuk masyarakat sekitar luweng yang setiap musim kemarau tiba,selalu kekurangan air.

Bagi siswa yang mempunyai jiwa petualang tinggi,secara tidak langsung termotivasi untuk melakukan kegiatan petualangan.Sampai-sampai sekolah kami ,SMA Negeri 1 Baturetno yang mempunyai kegiatan ekstra kurikuler pecinta alam mengharapkan kehadiran mas Joko Sulistyo dan kawan-kawan,untuk membimbing dan mengarahkan kegiatan tersebut.Sebenarnya,saya berharap semoga film dokumenter tersebut tidak hanya untuk dokumentasi dari pihak UMS saja.Tujuannya agar siswa yang belum menyaksikan acara film tersebut dapat tertarik untuk mempelajari mata pelajaran geografi secara khusus.Namun sayangnya,permintaan saya ini belum dapat dipenuhi atau belum bisa dikabulkan dengan alasan belum mendaftarkan hak ciptanya.Akhirnya,saya
dan peserta lainnya dapat memahami alasan tersebut.

Pada hari kedua,kami dibawa ke kawasan kars tersebut untuk melihat secara langsung,yang letaknya berada di kecamatan Pracimantoro.Perjalanan kami menggunakan armada bus dengan urutan nomor tiga.Kami dari SMA Negeri 1 Baturetno duduk berdampingan dengan SMA Pangudi Luhur Giriwoyo.Perjalanan ini sangat mengasyikkan.

Kami dipandu oleh salah satu mahasiswa yang bernama Joko Sulistyo.Saya mencatat tentang hal-hal yang telah diterangkan oleh mahasiswa tersebut. Kamipun tiba di sisa pertambangan kalsit yang terletak di dukuh Pule,desa Gedong,kecamatan Pracimantoro.Pertambangan yang dilakukan di tempat ini adalah salah dan dapat merusak lingkungan alam.Salah satu penanganan terhadap kerusakan kawasan ini adalah dengan diadakan reklamasi.Reklamasi adalah upaya untuk mengembalikan lahan tambang menjadi lahan pertanian dengan cara diratakan tanahnya.Di sana juga dapat ditemukan adanya pabrik kalsit. Perjalanan selanjutnya adalah menuju daerah lembah Bengawan Solo Purba yang kini lahannya digunakan untuk lahan penanaman palawija,khususnya ketela pohon.Di daerah ini,kami tidak menemukan adanya pemukiman penduduk karena wilayahnya yang relatif sepi.Lembah ini terletak kurang lebih 1 kilometer ke arah pantai Sadeng.Lembah kering yang panjangnya lebih dari 21 km itu berbelok-belok dan membentuk kelurusan ke arah tertentu.

Salah satu luweng dapat ditemukan di sini,tetapi kini ditutup dengan batu agar tanah tidak ikut masuk dan biar hanya air saja yang meresap ke dalam tanah tersebut.Contour yang dapat dilihat,Bengawan Solo Purba diapit oleh 2 bukit dan memanjang ke utara-selatan.Mula-mula lembah membujur lurus ke selatan,kemudian berbelok ke barat daya ke barat.Selanjutnya,secara tiba-tiba membelok lagi ke selatan,lalu ke tenggara dan akhirnya ke barat daya sebelum bermuara di pantai sadeng.dinding lembah yang tingginya 20-75 meter mempunyai kemiringan yang curam,rata-rata lebih dari 60 .Lebarnya berkisar antara 40-100 meter. Mula jadi gejala eksokarst tidak berkaitan dengan proses pembalikan arah aliran Bengawan Solo purba pada zaman kuarter Sebagaimana diduga oleh ahli-ahli sebelumnya.

Setelah seluruh cekungan pegunungn selatan  terangkat pada pada permulaan kuarter,di permukaan batu gamping di daerah Wonogiri sekarang mengalir sebuah sungai permukaan yang berhulu di bagian utara gunung sewu dan bermuara di samudera Hindia.Di beberapa dinding lembah kering ini dapat dijumpai adanya  system perguaan pendek,atau ceruk,yang letaknya berhadapan(sebelah-menyebelah).di dalam gua-gua itu dapat dijumpai adanya artefak atau kepingan tulang vertebrata dan cangkang kerang yang diduga sebagai sisa makanan manusia prasaejarah.Keadaan itu mendasari anggapan jika gua-gua di sepanjang lembah kering Giritontro merupakan situs gua arkeologi,yang pernah menjadi huniaan atau persinggahan manusia prasejarah.Yang menjadi pertanyaan saya adalah mengapa aliran Bengawan Solo Purba kini mengalami perubahan ?

Kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke sumber air permukaan tanah kapur menuju telaga yang mulai mengering.Telaga ini yang tertutup tanah terra rossa.Penjelasan yang kami dapat selain itu adalah adanya efek yang timbul akibat dari pemberian semen terhadap telaga tersebut.Itu akibat adanya kontak antar bahan kimia penyusun semen dengan batu gamping di daerah tersebut.Sehingga terjadilah air yang masuk ke dalamnya. Vegetasi endemik karst antara lain pohon jati dan buah srikaya..Manis atau tidaknya buah-buahan itu ternyata dipengaruhi oleh adanya kadar air yang ada di tanah itu sendiri.Setiap tumbuhan yang ada,dapat digunakan sebagai penunjuk lokasi terdapatnya air atau lebih dikenal dengan asosiasi.Misalnya beringin yang bisa memberi petunjuk lokasi gua yang banyak air dan juga mulut gua.

Perjalanan masih tetap berlanjut.Banyak di antara rombongan bus yang lelah.Namun,kami tetap bersemangat untuk berpetualang.Kami sampai juga di kawasan karst dunia.Wilayah ini terdiri atas tujuh gua yang terdiri atas gua Tembus, gua Mrico, gua Sodong, gua Sapen, gua Bunder Potro, gua Gilap dan gua Sonyaruri. Masing-masing gua, diberi nama sesuai dengan harapan dan laku spiritual para pengunjung gua di masa lalu.Kami mengunjungi gua Gilap, gua Tembus, gua Sodong, gua Mrico. sebenarnya, saya ingin melanjutkan ke gua yang lainnya,tetapi waktu yang terbatas.

Gua Gilap terletak kurang lebih 300 meter dari arah jalan raya,berada lereng bukit bagian bagian bawah.Saat akan menuju ke gua ini,kami melihat daerah ini digunakan sebagai tempat pembuangan sampah.Fenomena ini kurang sedap dipandang.Seharusnya,daerah wisata ini bebas dari serakan-serakan sampah dan baunya yang menyengat sehingga mengurangi keindahan alam.Gua yang juga terletak stalagtit.Selain itu,siluet gua Gilap berlawanan dengan arah penyinaran matahari.Stalagtit yang membelok ke arah matahari karena lubangnya tertutup oleh endapan-endapan mineral sehingga memnbentuk lubang baru ke arah timur.Bagi penelusur gua ini,dapat mengetahui keadaan waktu siang atau malam hari dengan menggunakan jam alami.Jam ini terjadi karena adanya pergantian penghuni gua yaitu burung sriti dengan kelelawar.Bila waktu siang,penghuni guanya adalah kelelawar,dan jika burung sriti masuk ke gua,kelelawar ke luar itu berarti waktu muli malam.Namun masih disayangkan keadaannya yang indah harus dinodai dengan adanya coretan-coretan tangan.

Gua tembus adalah salah satu gua yang telah dicanangkan oleh presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono,6 Desember 2004 lalu. Gua ini indah, dihiasi stalaktit dan stalagmit. Di beberapa rongga di dinding gua terlihat cahaya temaram yang makin menambah eksotisme gua..Dalam memasuki gua ini,kami melihat adanya peraturan-peraturan yang dipasang di dinding gua. Salah satunya adalah kita tidak boleh membuang sampah di  sana.Yang menjadi alas atau lantainya adalah pasir yang berasal dari Nampu. Setelah kami ke luar,kami menjumpai adanya persinggahan yang atapnya berasal dari jerami padi.

Lokasi obyek wisata yang selanjutnya adalah gua sodong.Keunikan gua sodong dibanding gua yang lainnya adalah atapnya yang sedikit basah.Gua ini merupakan hasil pelarutan dari batuan kapur dan suasana yang terlihat di dalamnya gelap tanpa adanya penerangan.Di sini juga dapat ditemukan sumber air yang digunakan penduduk sekitar untuk mencuci dan mandi.

Gua Mrica bentuknya kecil,sedikit bulat seperti merica dan ditemukan vegetasi tumbuhan awar-awar.Pada gua ini jalannya buntu dan ditemukan adanya bekas stalagtit yang terpotong.Materi penyusun gua ini adalah kristal kalsit.

Di sekitar gua tersebut digunakan sebagai museum karst dunia yang sedianya akan diresmikan oleh presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.Namun,sampai sekarang belum terlaksana dan pembangunnya akan dimulai dalam waktu dekat ini.

Di lokasi inilah kegiatan sosialisasi diakhiri.Banyak kesan dan pesan yang kami rasakan.Di antaranya adalah kami senang dengan acara seperti ini.Wawasan kami bertambah dan dapat membandingkan antara teori-teori yang telah disampaikan dengan kunjungan yang ada di lapangan.

Saturday, July 05, 2008 : One Stop Shopping For Any Lamps

In this week my uncle send me email again, now He want to talk about all design of His house and in this chase He talk about lamps design.
Below is my email to my uncle.

Dear uncle Bob,

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See this sample of lamp shades the design is very nice and good look, sure you can choose that lamps and lamp shades at ferrey's collections. I think this design is very compatible for your pavilion.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Selebritis Internet

Jika Anda gagal menjadi artis ataupun politikus handal tetapi Anda ingin dikenal banyak orang bak selebritis tidak perlu risau, cara-cara lain bisa saja mahal (termasuk jika harus mendongkrak talenta) tapi ada cara yang mungkin lebih murah masih bisa kita lakukan dengan prestise yang rada keren, melek teknologi. Ya dari dunia maya Anda bisa menjadi "selebritis" dikenal banyak orang. Asal jangan sampai "TRAGIS" sudah menjadi politikus terkenal masih ditambah terkenal di dunia internet karena "kasus" nya menyebar dengan cepat bak menjadi "sampah di belantara internet" yang biasanya malah "sampah" internet itu banyak menjadi incaran surfer entah secara terang-terangan atau sembunyi-sembunyi, nggak percaya? coba Anda baca tulisan beberapa blogger diantaranya yang ditulis oleh Mas Aris Julianta ini. Justru katanya "sampah" itu banyak di ubek-ubek para surfer, terbukti prosesntase diaksesnya cukup tinggi.

Kembali ke judul tulisan, benar bahwa menjadi orang terkenal bak selebritis bisa dengan banyak cara, jika tak bermodal dan ingin memulai debutnya di dunia internet sekarang sudah banyak sarana gratis di internet. Maksudnya gratis adalah tempat buat mempromosikan apa yang menjadi obyeknya. Ya dengan membuat blog GRATIS-an seperti yang Anda baca ini bisa juga menjadi jalan agar kita bisa terkenal bak selebritis, bagaimana caranya?

Untuk cara membuat blog gratisan cukup mudah namanya saja gratis (yang bayar akses internetnya) dan bagaimana cara nya agar bisa terkenal sekaligus dapat uang, nah yang itu silakan berimprofisasi sendiri. Untuk beberapa panduan bagi para pemula dan awam sama sekali sepertinya akan dibuat oleh admin dari obrolannya kemaren sedang mempersiapkan tempatnya di semoga cepat terwujud, siapa tahu Anda juga bisa menjadi "selebritis" di internet sekaligus menjadi jutawan diantaranya seperti Aris Julianta, Cosa Aranda, Rony, Baladika, Brokencode dan lainnya. Ya benar nama-nama yang disebutkan tersebut sudah terbukti menjadi jutawan dari dunia internet. Maksudnya jutawan ya pendapat bulanannya sudah benar-benar jutaan dan itu bukan MLM.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Kesejahteraan Rakyak Menjadi Konsentrasi Pemerintah Indonesia

Demo dan berbagai "gangguan" yang terus mengalir ternyata tak membuat pemerintah Indonesia harus melupakan untuk memikirkan kesejahteraan rakyat nya. Bahkan program yang di promosikan pemerintah dianggap "mencuri star" kampanye atau "tebar pesona" pun tak menyurut kan pemerintah dalam bekerja, terus melangkah demi kepentingan rakyatnya. Ketidaksempurnaan diakui atau tidak memang ada pada setiap orang, demikian juga dengan petinggi bangsa ini kekurangannyapun pasti ada.

Tetapi kita harus tetap percaya bahwa pemerintah memang bekerja untuk rakyat nya, simak saja berita dibawah ini :

Jakarta - Kominfo – Newsroom – Menko Kesra Aburizal Bakrie menyatakan Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional merupakan sistem perlindungan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat, yang punya peran strategis menghadapi kerentanan risiko alam maupun risiko ekonomi.

Ketika memberikan arahan pada Rakernas II Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional (SJSN) di Jakarta, Selasa, Menko Kesra mengemukakan Indonesia yang rawan bencana dampaknya mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi, karenanya pemerintah harus merelokasi anggaran untuk pembangunan kembali infrastruktur yang rusak.

Arahan Menko Kesra yang dibacakan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Erman Suparno mengatakan bantuan dan perlindungan sosial merupakan kluster I dari tiga kluster program penanggulangan kemiskinan.

Kluster I itu terdiri dari Raskin, program keluarga harapan (PKH), Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS), Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT), dan Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas).

Menurut Aburizal pemerintah tidak mungkin memberi perlindungan rakyat hanya melalui program yang bersifat sementara namun perlu penyelenggaraan program pasti dan berlanjut. “Saya yakin SJSN mampu menjawab tantangan itu,” kata Aburizal.

Melalui Rakernas II SJSN Menko Kesra berharap kelak seluruh lapisan masyarakat punya kepastian dalam menutup beban risiko finansial ketika ia sakit, sementara keluarga tetap memiliki kemampuan daya beli ketika kepala keluarganya kehilangan pendapatan atau memasuki usia pension.

“Itulah hakikat yang diamanatkan oleh UU SJSN yaitu memberikan perlindungan dan kepastian menghadapi risiko-risiko yang mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang”, kata Aburizal.

Ia mengatakan tidak ada urusan yang sepenuhnya dapat dikerjakan pusat dan tidak ada urusan yang sepenuhnya bisa diselesaikan daerah.

Program Jaminan Sosial seperti diatur UU SJSN menegaskan penyelenggaraan jaminan sosial dilakukan badan kuasa public yakni Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial yang dikawal oleh Tri Partit, yaitu wakil Pemerintah, wakil Pengusaha dan wakil Pekerja/masyarakat.

Sementara itu Deputi Menko Kesra Bidang Koordinasi Perlindungan Sosial dan Perumahan Rakyat Adang Setiana mengatakan UU No.40/2004 tentang SJSN merupakan pelaksanaan amanat UUD 1945 Pasal 28 H untuk memberi perlindungan jaminan sosial seluruh rakyat.

“Jaminan sosial adalah salah satu bentuk perlindungan sosial untuk menjamin agar setiap rakyat dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasar hidup yang layak”, kata Adang. (mnr/toeb/c)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Special Mailbox for Your House

Today I receive email from my uncle in Maryland, US. He said to me very confuse with His new house about the mailbox, the house is very large with big gate. He need mailbox with good design and unix at front of the house. I think I have a good suggestion for Him, to access the internet and just click at Mailboxixchange.

Here is my email to my uncle in US :

Dear Uncle Bob,

Uncle, please don't be confuse about your mailbox if you don't visit the Mailboxixchange before. Make simple and make sure you go there before make the decision to buy a mailbox. They have a huge catalog of high quality residential mailboxes and you can choose one if you are like and in need of a new mailbox of course by online you can choose style and color etc as you want. It's mean if you don't have enough time is possible to implement your mailbox imagination just in Mailboxixchange.

Quality is not only the reason in Mailboxixchange if you want to find high quality of mail boxes and high quality design you may check it now at their site. Mailboxixchange is not only provide residential mailbox of course if you need to buy commercial mail box for your office they have too. There a lot of new design with the nice colour you can choose the unique themes. All the products which has been researched in market place demand.

Others surprise from mailboxixchange, this company also have an affiliate program. You can participate and get get $20.00 for signing up. By join with this program, you can get more money as your commision for every sale that you can make. Try it now!

I hope next time you get my mail in your new mail box with your smile.

Best Regrads,

Monday, June 30, 2008

Spanyol Juara Euro 2008

Gol tunggal Striker Fernando Torres pada menit ke 33 babak pertama mengantarkan Spanyol menjadi juara euro 2008 menggungguli 1-0 Jerman pada babak final Euro 2008 di Stadion Ernst Happel, Wina, Senin dinihari.

Pada awal pertandingan menit pertama sampai menit ke 10 sebenarnya Jerman menguasai jalannya pertandingan, bahkan sempat membuat kewalahan lini belakang pemain Spanyol.

Tendangan ke arah gawang pertama terjadi gelandang Jerman Thomas Hitzlsperger melepas tendangan dari luar kotak penalti tetapi dengan mudah ditangkap kiper Spanyol Iker Casillas yang selama ini memang selalu tampil menjaga gawang Spanyol di euro 2008 dengan cemerlang .

Tak lama kemudian Spanyol mulai memperlihatkan performansi yang sebenarnya dan kelihatan mengancam gawang tim Jerman pada menit ke 13 ketika Xavi berhasil menangkap bola pantulan dari pemain belakang Jerman hanya sayangnya tendangan Xavi berhasil ditepis penjaga gawang Jerman
Jens Lehmann.

Striker Fernando Torres dari Spanyol dua kali mengarahkan tendangan bole ke gawang jerman, namun baru menit ke 33 atau tendangan keduanya berhasil membobolkan gawang Jerman. Skor 1-0 bertahan sampai usainya pertandingan. Selamat.

Intranet Di Kecamatan Tirtomoyo

Warga Kecamatgan Tirtomoyo "berencana" membangun jaringan intranet di daerahnya. Jika kita akses ke blog tirtomoyo maka pada halaman awal akan kelihatan gambar jaringan intranet seperti yang terlihat pada gambar sebelah. Dari gambar tersebut nampaknya yang akan digabungkan melalui jaringan intranet adalah 13 sekolah dengan "backbone" (mungkin sebagai gateway ke internet) di kecamatan, artinya dunia pendidikan di Tirtomoyo bakal melek internet di 13 sekolah yang ada disana tersebut. Tirtomoyo adalah salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Wonogiri yang letaknya dibagian selatan. Era tahun delapan puluhan disana ada armada bus yang cukup terkenal yakni Bus Wasis selain itu dahulu juga ada perajin batik yang cukup terkenal di daerah tersebut, disana juga banyak daerah wisata yang lumayan terkenal. Saat ini komunitas warga tirtomoyo sudah sering berinteraksi melalui internet, berawal dari komunikasi sesama warga Wonogiri di situs berlanjut di dan

Siapa tahu ini menjadi triger bagi kecamatan lainnya. (nggih nopo mboten?)

Semoga pemerintah dapat segera mewujudkan cita-citanya untuk menduniakan internet di dunia pendidikan seperti yang pernah di "iklan" kan di Televisi beberapa waktu lalu, agar dunia pendidikan di Indonesia dapat berkembang lebih cepat.